
Product categories

Find a product that fits your need

Our product categories are wide and can be used across a wide range of industries.

We can also incorporate client-specific changes and specifications to the products. We also support introducing wholly new range of products ie custom built products that match your every specification

Our Products

Coaxial Cables

Coaxial Cables

A copper cable designed with an inner conductor surrounded by a braided metal shield that prevents...

Armoured Cables

Armoured Cables

The armoured cable has extra protective layer to keep it away from unwanted cut or damage. The...

Power Cables

Power Cables

A power cable is an electrical cable, an assembly of one or more electrical conductors, usually...

Telephone Cables

Telephone Cables

One of the most common telephone cables is called the coaxial cable. It is called coaxial because...

Automotive Cables

Automotive Cables

Automobile cables have the central function of transmitting electricity to power various devices...

Ribbon Cables

Ribbon Cables

Ribbon cables are usually used as interconnects for internal peripherals in computers, such as...

Shielded Cables

Shielded Cables

Shielding reduces electrical noise and reduces its impact on signals and lowers electromagnetic...

Quality – Our Benchmark

Our motto is that quality is everyone’s responsibility, not just the quality team’s. With a comprehensive quality check process put in place for each single process, our quality issues are minimal to zero, and customer complaints are a rarity. Certifications include ISO 9001:2015.